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Fitness Hygiene Literacy

Finance resources for healthy startups

Just like your personal health, your business's financial health depends on good habits and a consistent routine.

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Featured image: Real estate financial modeling (REMF)

14 min read

Real Estate Financial Modeling: Tools for Smart Investment Decisions

For savvy investors in today's game, real estate financial modeling is the ticket to making informed, smart decisions in property investment. It might sound like a mouthful, but this process is all about crunching numbers and forecasting outcomes...
Featured image: Calculate startup valuation mistakes - Error!

7 min read

5 Common Mistakes Startups Make When Calculating Their Valuation

Calculating startup valuation is a difficult task for most founders. It’s notoriously hard to do, and it influences everything from fundraising to long-term strategic decisions. There’s no doubt, the path to an accurate valuation is riddled with...
Featured: Raise capital on a limited budget

13 min read

Smart Tips on How to Raise Capital on a Limited Budget

Ever feel like you're trying to fill a swimming pool with a teaspoon? Is that how to raise capital on a limited budget? It seems impossible, right? Now imagine transforming that teaspoon into a high-powered hose — it’s all about knowing which tools...
Featured: Unlock fundraising with fractional CFO and financial model

5 min read

Unlock Fundraising Success with a Fractional CFO and a Financial Model

We admire entrepreneurs and anyone who’s out there trying to grow a small business. We love to see the passion, tenacity, and drive that founders bring to their work. However, we know that managing the finances of your startup can be a big challenge.
How To Build A Great Forecast - Featured image

5 min read

How To Build A Great Forecast: Key Startup Metrics and Techniques

At Forecastr, we know that forecasting metrics is an essential part of running a successful startup. Accurately forecasting your startup's growth and success can help you plan for the future and make better decisions. But it's easier said than done....
Featured image: How to calculate startup valuation

7 min read

Startup Valuation FAQ: Smart Answers for Tough Questions

Understanding how to calculate startup valuation is not just about numbers and negotiations. It’s part of your startup’s story. While it’s probably not something you think about every day, it has wide-ranging implications - for everything from...
How CFO Services Can Help You - Featured image

5 min read

How CFO Services Can Help You Achieve Great Financial Health

Financial health is a huge part of achieving success for startups and small businesses. But getting in shape, and staying that way, is sometimes harder than you would expect.
Revenue Forecasting Best Practices - Featured image

7 min read

Revenue Forecasting Best Practices for Small Businesses and Startups

Running a startup or a small business can feel like sailing through uncharted waters when you’re managing finances. As a founder, keeping your ship afloat is your top priority. But to do that, you need to understand the metrics and nuances that...
The Hidden Costs of Fundraising - Featured image

9 min read

The Hidden Costs of Fundraising: Navigating Capital Raising Fees

Fundraising can be an exhilarating adventure for any founder. But amidst the excitement of raising capital and scaling your startup, there’s a less glamorous side to consider: the fees.
How To Factor Inflation Into Your Financial Model - Featured image

3 min read

How To Factor Inflation Into Your Financial Model and Forecasts

Inflation. It’s a big deal in the world of finance, and it affects all types of businesses, from huge enterprises to budding startups. If you’re on the small side of that spectrum, overlooking inflation can mess up your financial projections and...

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